Traditional classroom skill instruction in reading v. online/edtech applications?
There is no one answer to whether traditional skill instruction or online/edtech applications are better for reading instruction. It depends on the needs of the individual students and what will work best for them. Some students may benefit from the structure and discipline of a traditional classroom, while others may prefer the flexibility and independence of online learning. Ultimately, the best approach is the one that works best for the individual student.
The Pros and Cons of Traditional Classroom Instruction
There are many benefits to traditional classroom instruction in reading. For one, it allows teachers to more easily control the environment and pacing of instruction. Additionally, it provides opportunities for immediate feedback and clarification of concepts.
However, there are also some drawbacks to traditional instruction. In particular, it can be more difficult to engage all students in the lesson, and there may be more distractions in the classroom setting. Additionally, traditional instruction can be less flexible, making it difficult to meet the needs of all students.
Ultimately, the best instructional method will vary depending on the needs of the students and the resources available. However, both traditional and online instruction have their own advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when making decisions about instruction.
The Pros of Traditional Classroom Instruction
It is no secret that the traditional classroom has been under fire in recent years. With the rise of online and edtech applications, many people have questioned whether or not the traditional classroom is still relevant. While there are definitely some advantages to using online and edtech applications, there are also some major advantages to traditional classroom instruction. Here are just a few of the pros of traditional classroom instruction:
- There is a personal connection between teacher and student.
- Teachers can provide immediate feedback to students.
- Teachers can tailor instruction to the individual needs of each student.
- Students can ask questions and get help immediately.
- Traditional classrooms provide a structure and routine that can be beneficial to students.
The Cons of Traditional Classroom Instruction
There are several cons to traditional classroom instruction, which can include a teacher’s lack of knowledge about the latest technology, the need for more time to grade papers, and the potential for disruptions. Let’s explore each of these a little further.
A teacher’s lack of knowledge about the latest technology can be a huge con when it comes to traditional instruction. Many times, teachers are using technology that is outdated or they don’t know how to use the latest applications. This can be a huge problem because students are not getting the most up-to-date instruction.
The need for more time to grade papers can also be a con. Traditional instruction often requires more prep time on the part of the teacher because they are grading papers and giving hands-on, evidence-based corrections. This is a major component of evidence-based instruction and correction, so while traditional instruction may seem to be less efficient at first glance, it can actually be more efficient in the long run when it comes to grade accuracy and mastery.
Furthermore, distractions can be huge problem in traditional classrooms. With the rise of buzzers and bells in many classrooms, it can be difficult for teachers to deliver technology-based instruction due to the constant stream of interruptions. Edtech applications and online courses can be much more helpful in this area.
The Pros and Cons of Online/Edtech Applications
As we all know, the internet has completely transformed the way we live and work. It’s no surprise, then, that education has been affected as well. Classroom instruction in reading is one area where we’ve seen a big change. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of traditional instruction versus online/edtech applications.
The Pros of Online/Edtech Applications
One of the great advantages of online/edtech applications is that they can be very flexible. Traditional classroom instruction in reading can be quite inflexible, especially if the class is large. With online/edtech applications, students can often choose when they want to do the reading, and they can take the time they need to finish it.
Another advantage of online/edtech applications is that they can provide a more individualized learning experience. In a traditional classroom, the teacher often has to teach to the middle of the class. But with online/edtech applications, each student can receive instruction that is tailored to his or her own level.
Finally, online/edtech applications can be a great way to motivate students. Rewards and badges are a huge hit, and offering points for completion can be a great motivator as well.
The Cons of Online/Edtech Applications
As someone who has spent many years teaching in a traditional classroom, I have seen firsthand the importance of skill instruction in reading. I have also seen the cons of online/edtech applications. Here are some of the cons of online/edtech applications:
- They can be distracting.
I have had students who are supposed to be working on their online reading/edtech application, but they are distracted by other things on the screen. This can be a problem if the student is not able to focus on the task at hand.
- They can be expensive.
Some online/edtech applications can be expensive. This can be a problem for schools who are trying to save money.
Which format provides the greatest sustained gains?
If you ask this question, you will see results that show that traditional classroom instruction in reading provides the greatest gains. In a study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2018) found that students gained the most from traditional classroom instruction and edtech applications in an active learning environment.
Takeaway: There is no one answer to whether traditional skill instruction or online/edtech applications are better for reading instruction. It depends on the needs of the student, the classroom and the teacher. If you are a teacher looking to make a change in your instruction, try mixing up both traditional and online/edtech applications and see what works best for you and your students.
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