
How to Help Your Child Learn Phoneme Awareness

How to Help Your Child Learn Phoneme Awareness

How to Help Your Child Learn Phoneme Awareness Like all buildings, they get their strength from their foundation.  This allows for the many floors of a building to be added.  Just as in architecture, literacy success relies upon a ‘strong foundation.’   In literacy, this foundation is called ‘phoneme awareness.’  This is the ability to hear […]

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Should Reading Technology Only Be Used As a ‘Supplemental’ Tool For a Child’s Reading Success

Should Reading Technology Only Be Used As a ‘Supplemental’ Tool For a Child’s Reading Success?

Should reading technology only be used as a ‘supplemental’ tool for a child’s reading success?  To answer this question, we should to look at both sides of the argument. What is most important is that parents and educators make the decision based on what they feel is best for the individual child. The pros of

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The Role of Speech-Recognition Technology In Programs of Literacy Instruction

The Role of Speech-Recognition Technology In Programs of Literacy Instruction

The role of speech-recognition technology in programs of literacy instruction. Speech-recognition technology has been shown to be an effective tool for literacy instruction. The technology allows students to receive immediate feedback on their reading aloud, which can help them to improve their fluency and comprehension skills. In addition, speech-recognition technology can be used to provide

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How Low-Income Parents Can Provide e-Technology for Their Kids

How Low-Income Parents Can Provide e-Technology for Their Kids

It’s no secret that having e-technology, like a laptop or tablet, can vastly improve a student’s educational experience and outcomes. But what if you’re a low-income parent who can’t afford to purchase these devices for your kids? How can you provide e-technology for your children so they can get the most out of their education?

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How do high achieving students use technology vs. lower-achieving students

How Do High Achieving Students Use Technology Vs. Lower-Achieving Students?

How do high achieving students use technology vs. lower-achieving students? Technology has drastically changed the landscape of education. It has become an integral part of the classroom and has levelled the playing field for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background. However, there is a disconnect between how high-achieving students and lower-achieving students use technology.

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How Can You Teach Using iPhone Apps

How Can You Teach Using iPhone Apps?

How can you teach using iPhone apps? When it comes to teaching, there are a lot of different methods that can be used in order to help students learn. One method that has become increasingly popular is using iPhone apps. There are a ton of different iPhone apps that can be used for teaching, and

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Technology can be a powerful tool to support the development of essential literacy skills

Technology Can Be a Powerful Tool to Support the Development of Essential Literacy Skills

A growing body of research demonstrates the importance of technology in developing literacy skills. Technology can support the development of phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency skills. It can also help develop vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. When used correctly, technology can be a powerful tool to support the development of essential literacy skills. Technology

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How to Teach Reading in the Digital Era

How to Teach Reading in the Digital Era

Before we can discuss how to teach reading in the digital era, we must define what the digital era is. What is the digital era? The digital era is a term used to describe the period of time in which digital technologies have become increasingly prevalent. This includes everything from personal computers and the internet

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EdTech Companies and their Role in Teaching Reading

EdTech Companies and Their Role in Teaching Reading

EdTech Companies and their role in teaching reading. There are a number of EdTech companies out there that are focused on helping people learn to read. These companies often develop innovative technologies that can help people of all ages learn to read better. Many of these EdTech companies also offer online reading programs that can

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Are E-Readers The Reading Instruction Tool of the Future

Are E-Readers The Reading Instruction Tool of the Future?

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, it’s no surprise that e-readers are becoming more popular. But are e-readers the reading instruction tool of the future? There are many advantages to using e-readers for reading instruction. They’re lightweight and portable, so students can take them anywhere.  The Pros of Using E-Readers for Reading Instruction There are

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